Mizzou Give Direct

College of Education and Human Development

Goal: $1,200,000

$605,248 (50%) raised Need: $594,752

Dean Of Education

eMINTS Matching Gift Opportunity

This fund is established to solicit private funds to leverage an almost $12 million dollar "Investing in Innovation (i3)” validation grant eMINTS National Center (and the College of Education) is eligible to receive from the U.S. Department of Education. The grant is one of the largest ever received in the College of Education. The project validates the effectiveness of classroom teachers, providing real-time, real-life opportunities for middle school students in acquiring science, language arts and math skills to make differences in their own communities.

For this grant to be funded, $1.2 million in private sector gifts must be pledged*. The first $600,000 of the private sector match was satisfactorily obtained in December 2015. The second half is due April 1, 2016. Currently, $594,752 is still needed toward the project. The private sector match may be a mix of cash and in-kind gifts. Every dollar of help is urgently sought and most appreciated.  

*By participating in the eMINTS Matching Gift Opportunity, you are agreeing that your gift will be restricted and counted as part of the private sector match required by the U.S. Department of Education in support of the HRA i3 Validation Project.


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