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Dr. Anne Deaton Griffiths Leadership Society Endowment

Since its inception, Dr. Anne Deaton has been the Griffiths Leadership Society's advocate, mentor, and dear friend. She has served as first lady of the University of Missouri, Director of the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities, and Deputy Director of the Missouri Division of Aging and has held numerous academic leadership roles with MU's schools and colleges.

Throughout her meaningful career, Dr. Deaton has exemplified the values of service and leadership demonstrated by Martha Wright Griffiths, for whom the Griffiths Leadership Society is named. Thus the current members were honored to establish this fund as a tribute to Dr. Deaton's impact on this great university, and ensure that other collegiate women will have professional development opportunities that foster such values. We invite you to make a gift in her honor today.

Alexander HowellAlexia NorrisAllstate Foundation
Andrew GrinchAnn KrummAnne Deaton
Barbara WilkinsonBeth SnyderBrady Deaton
Brenda SelmanCara BakerCargill
Carin Huffman GrinchCarla WiedmierCarol Gee
Carol HildebrandtCarol LasloCarolyn Wenneker
Carrie CollierCasey GentryCatherine Bradley
Chad FollisChristina KellyColumbia Speech Rehab, LLC
Craig CollinsCraig O'ConnorCrystal Clayton
Cynthia BambiniDan TevisDana Strueby
Dana Strueby Darla ArniDavid Carr
David KartheiserDavid TownsendDawn Smith-Popielski
Deborah JonesDebra McCubbinDeidre Wipke-Tevis
Dominic PopielskiDr. Deidre Wipke-Tevis Elaine McCoy
Elizabeth GrellnerElizabeth HadenElizabeth O'Connor
Ellen McLainElton FayEun Jung Lee
Frank SheldenGena ScottGeorge Smith
Greta HowellIris CallowayJan Grossmann
Jane KartheiserJanet WheatleyJanice Whitlow
Janine Orf Jason GrellnerJeffrey Gibbs
Jeffrey MazurJennifer L'Hote-GastonJerry Short
Joanna BlissJoey PeckJohn Behrend
Jordyn Bensyl Joseph ParcellJoshua Kranzberg
Joshua PeckJulia ParcellJulie Middleton
Katherine GibbsKathryn GunnKelsey Will
Ken Donohew Ellen Kippel Kendra Scott Jewelry Kerry Townsend
Kevin McLainKevin SelmanKimberly Dickerson
Kristen Fricks-RomanKristi GibbsLarry Grossmann
Larry RuffLeigh Taylor KnightLisa Eimers
Lou Pfeifer WilcoxLura MatthewsMacKenzie Moorefield
Mardy EimersMaria PlatzMarilee Dunn
Marjorie SableMark FlaneginMary Ann Beahon
Mary CarrMary RuffMary VanDyne
Matthew TollertonMegan NobleMelinda Mazur
Melissa BehrendMelodie PowellMichael Middleton
Michelle GiblerMichelle PawlowskiMollie Buckler
Monica CollinsMonty PlatzNanci Mentzer
Nancy FayNatalie HardinNathaniel Dulle
Nelson GiblerPatricia SheaPaula Gough
Robin DavisonRobin WennekerRobyn Ridgway
Ryan GastonScott GoughScott Wilson
Shannon Burke KranzbergSheena RiceStacey Follis
Stephanie RegagnonStephen CallowayStephen Scott
Susan SalzmanSusannah KingSuzanne Flanegin
Taylor NobleThomas MershonThomas Wilcox
Todd McCubbinTracey MershonTraci Kennedy
University of Missouri-Columbia Alumni Association Valerie LawlorVanessa Vaughn West
Vicki ReimlerWilliam HildebrandtWynetta Massey
Xiaozhen Wang
