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Mizzou's Current Needs (291)

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Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Physical Therapy
Marilyn Sanford Hargrove Scholarship

Goal: $225,000.00

$155,572.40 (69%) raised
Alumni Activities
Mizzou Traditions Fund

Goal: $100,000.00

$76,443.78 (76%) raised
Student Affairs
Tiger Pantry

Goal: $30,000.00

$15,558.19 (51%) raised
Children’s Hospital
CMN Radiothon - Making Miracles Happen for Kids

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

College of Veterinary Medicine
Small Animal Swallowing Disorders & Respiratory Research

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

MU Extension
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute – Osher@Mizzou

Goal: $10,000.00

$8,100 (81%) raised
Dean Of Engineering
The Mizzou Steel Bridge Team (Civil Engineering)

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

College of Health Sciences

Goal: $50,000.00

$6,725 (13%) raised
Law School Foundation
Tim Heinsz 5K

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Valencia Clemons-Bush Memorial Gifts

Goal: 70 Gifts

12 (17%) gifts received
Honors College
Celebrating 70 Years of the Humanities Sequence

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Dean Of Engineering
ISE (Industrial & Systems Engineering) Hall of Fame

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Thompson Foundation for Autism & Neurodevelopment
The Thompson Center Strategic Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Alumni Activities
Bloomington-Normal Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Dean Of Engineering
Columbia Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers Gift Fund

Goal: $50,000.00

$53,336 (106%) raised
Friends of the Library

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

MU Health Care
MU Health Care Mission Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Dean Of Veterinary Medicine
The Community Chest

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Families Assisting Medical Students (FAMS)

Goal: $40,000.00

$47,610 (119%) raised
Dean Of Medicine
William Salzer, MD and Gordon Christensen, MD Lectureship in Infectious Diseases
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