Mizzou's Current Needs
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Goal: $100,000.00
$51,706 (51%) raisedCollege of Veterinary Medicine
CVM Class of 1981 Endowed Scholarship

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
MU Health Care
Help Us Celebrate National Doctors' Day!

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
MU Extension
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute – Osher@Mizzou

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
Honors College
Missouri Scholars Academy

Goal: $225,000.00
$181,857.26 (80%) raisedAlumni
Mizzou Traditions Fund

Goal: $30,000.00
$20,574 (68%) raisedDean of Students
The Maneater Gifts Fund

Goal: $50,000.00
$20,630 (41%) raisedLaw School Foundation
Tim Heinsz 5K

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
MU Health Care
MU Health Care Mission Fund

Goal: $50,000.00
$28,000 (56%) raisedDean of Medicine
Springfield Medical Student Scholarship Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
Mechanical & Aerospace Engr
Mizzou Racing Formula SAE

Goal: $10,000.00
$5,400 (54%) raisedHealth Sciences Department
Blackburn Family Scholarship

Goal: $15,000.00
$12,870.65 (85%) raisedParks, Recreation, Sport & Tourism
PRST Alumni Scholars Fund

Goal: $3,500.00
$1,630 (46%) raisedMechanical & Aerospace Engr
Torq'N Tigers Tractor Pulling Team Fund

Goal: $100,000.00
$77,208.78 (77%) raisedStudent Affairs
Tiger Pantry

Goal: $5,000.00
$1,175 (23%) raisedTextile and Apparel Mgmt
Textile and Apparel Management Chair Fund for Excellence

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
Industrial & Systems Engr
ISE (Industrial & Systems Engineering) Hall of Fame

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
Physical Therapy
PT Greatest Need

Goal: $5,000.00
$3,491 (69%) raisedAlumni
Valley of the Sun Chapter

Make Your Impact on Mizzou
Large or small, every gift matters
College of Engineering
Engineers' Club

Goal: $5,000.00
$994 (19%) raisedDean of Engineering
Mizzou Engineering Student Council
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