Mizzou Give Direct

MU Libraries

Goal: $50,000

$55,486 (110%) raised Over the Goal: $5,486


Friends of the Library

Help us reach 1,000 Friends! Join Friends of the Library for $50 per year, or become a life member for $750.

The University of Missouri Libraries have been leaning on the Friends of the Library since a group of alumni and friends met in the Student Union in 1960 with an idea to make our university stronger. They recognized that a gift to University Libraries impacts every student and every program. They knew that strong libraries attract great faculty, facilitate world-class research and provide a central hub for the exchange of ideas. So they took on the task of raising private support for one of our most important academic services.

The library was one of the earliest priorities for alumni giving and it’s still one of the most important. Please join us as we set our sights on 1,000 members in Friends of the Library! Great universities have great libraries. Help us build a better Mizzou by supporting the core of the academic experience, our libraries!

