Mizzou Give Direct

Scholarship Memorials (26)

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Goal: $25,000.00

$27,735 (110%) raised
Student Financial Aid
Andrew S. Fluhart Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Goal: $25,000.00

$35,125 (140%) raised
Student Affairs
Ann Moore Proscino Kappa Delta Leadership Scholarship

Goal: $10,000.00

$3,850 (38%) raised
Dean Of Veterinary Medicine
Dana Gillig, DVM West Central Scholarship

Goal: $50,000.00

$38,015.19 (76%) raised
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies
Dr. David H. Jonassen Endowment in Information Science

Goal: $50,000.00

$3,600 (7%) raised
Atmospheric Science
Dr. Grant Darkow Scholarship Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Renee Richmond Memorial Scholarship

Goal: $50,000.00

$39,886.41 (79%) raised
Atmospheric Science
Dr. Wayne Decker Scholarship Fund

Goal: $40,000.00

$35,536 (88%) raised
Physical Therapy
Erin Spradling Memorial Scholarship

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Truman School of Public Affairs
Governor Mel Carnahan Public Service Award and Fellowship

Goal: $50,000.00

$58,592.02 (117%) raised
Animal Science
Hallie Phillips Memorial Scholarship

Goal: $50,000.00

$54,309.49 (108%) raised
Dean Of Nursing
Kennedy Grace Carter Scholarship Fund

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Student Financial Aid
Kitty Dickerson MURA Scholarship Fund

Goal: $40,000.00

$24,301.56 (60%) raised
Student Life
L.C. Chandler Memorial Endowment

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Dean Of Engineering
Larry David Scholarship in Engineering

Goal: $25,000.00

$5,760 (23%) raised
MU Veterans Center
Lee Henson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Goal: $25,000.00

$22,128.71 (88%) raised
Marcia Ann Berry Memorial Scholarship

Goal: $75,000.00

$59,221 (78%) raised
Dean of Journalism
Mary Kay Blakely New York Program Endowment

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Mizzou Tour Team
Nathaniel Burton Blount Memorial Scholarship Fund

Goal: $100,000.00

$98,050 (98%) raised
Dean of Journalism
Pete Yost Journalism Scholarship

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Raynolde Pereira Memorial Scholarship Fund
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