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College of Engineering

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Industrial & Systems Engr

Larry David Scholarship in Engineering

Larry David dedicated his career to the University of Missouri after earning his Ph.D. He had a natural ability to connect with and inspire students. Teaching was the most rewarding aspect of his long career in the College of Engineering. Help us honor Dr. Larry David by supporting this scholarship that will be awarded to undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering.

Bob CaseByron BurnsCarol (Kempf) Stupica
Choon-Lian LohCraig and Kellen DavidDan Omer
Donald WallaceDr. Jamie Rogers, P.E.Elizabeth Astroth Garza
Jeff GutknechtJeff WatkinsJim Barnard
Jim CarterJim NobleKen Donohew (67) and Ellen Kippel
Ken Donohew and Ellen KippelKen RowlandMarge David
Mark DavidMary Ellen PaytonMary Jane O'Connor
Matt OsterthunMatthias McManusMike and Barb Klote
Nathan EsbeckPat MurphyPhilip M Wolfe
Prakob ChirakitiRichard StehnachRuss and Terry Burkett
Sharon KindenW. Allen Sisk
