Mizzou Give Direct

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Goal: $25,000

$20,848 (83%) raised Need: $4,152

Dean of Agriculture

Sandy Zaring Perseverance Award

Dear Ag Engineering/Ag Systems Management alumni: Our beloved Momma Sandy, Sandy Zaring (Beasley), lost her battle with cancer one year ago. She managed to lend a hand with everything from student advising and purchasing, to getting a meal ready for an ASM Club meeting and printing certificates for a new Alpha MU initiate. Many memories come to mind when thinking of Sandy. You may have met her with your family when you came for a tour of the department, she may have helped you get ready for a study abroad trip, or you may be one of the countless students she tenaciously encouraged to “do your best” and helped you find the classes to do just that.

We, the students of Alpha MU and the Ag Systems Management Club, are asking your help to establish the Sandy Zaring Perseverance Award. This award will be an endowed scholarship supporting one to two ASM students per year. We have selected to endow the award so Sandy’s spirit and memory will live on forever. We hope you will join us in honoring all Sandy meant to students both past and present by making a gift to the fund. We must raise $25,000 for the minimum endowment level, so please share this with others you know who held Sandy in the highest regard, from friends and classmates to parents and professors.

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