Mizzou Give Direct

College of Engineering

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

Dean of Engineering

Engineering Dean's Fund for Excellence

The Engineering Dean’s Fund for Excellence supports the College’s highest priorities and needs. Investment in this fund allows the College to maintain the outstanding learning and research environment our students and faculty have come to expect. This flexible fund also allows Mizzou Engineering to pursue new, innovative initiatives to prepare students to meet the expectations of employers today and become the leaders of tomorrow. Your support enables Mizzou to continue a 150-year legacy of engineering the future!

Anna RudyBobbie EdgingtonCynthia C. Philipp
Dennis MoellerDonna and Terry VogelHarold Kiehl
Katarina BeattieKen Donohew and Ellen KippelKen Donohew, Ellen Kippel and Jack Norman Donohew
Mark/Margaret DeYoungMary Terese CarlsonMatt Osterthun
Om P. Mandhana, Ph.D.Randy MelloyScott Thompson
Stephen Suydam
