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Mizzou 3D Printing Club

The Mizzou 3D Printing Club is an educational student organization open to members of the university from all disciplines. Our mission is to teach our members about 3D printing through hands on experience and projects. Our club operates four semi-autonomous build teams they are as follows:

1). Large Scale 3D printer

This build team is designing and building from scratch, the largest FDM printer in the University system.

2). Make Mizzou

This build team is working with the disabilities Office to create a 3D printed map of campus for visually impaired students. This map when complete will be located alongside the current 2D map near Jesse Hall.

3). Beginners

The beginners group is targeted towards those students who only want to learn how to print rather than join a build team. This group holds workshops that allows our members to get hands on experience printing whatever they like at no cost.

4). Prosthetics Team

During the Fall 2018 semester this build team created a dog prosthetic for a dog missing his hind paw. Our current project is a collaboration with Aarogya Seva, a charity that operates in India. Our goal is to design a low budget, Open source Prosthetic for trans radial amputees.

All these build groups meet once a month at our General meetings. During these meetings we give progress reports, tour 3D printing facilities, host guest speakers and suggest new project ideas. On behalf of my club I would like to thank you for your interest in our work.


