Mizzou Give Direct

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Goal: $100,000


$57,175 (57%) raised

Need: $42,825

Dean of Agriculture

T.E. Jake Fisher Scholarship Fund

Originally established in recognition of Jake Fisher’s 50 years of service to the University of Missouri Delta Center, the T.E. Jake Fisher Scholarship Fund supports students from the Bootheel region attending the University of Missouri. Following Jake’s death in March 2023, the scholarship will continue to honor his legacy of leadership and passion for helping others.

Won’t you join us in honoring Jake and helping future generations of Bootheel youngsters?
(Please note, this site currently reflects only giving online.)

Learn more about Jake here.

Aaron Brandt Addison MyersAlta Pete, Inc.
Bayer Crop Science Betty FlowersBuffy Raines
Carl PoehlmannCarol BrownChris Crysler
DAF giving 360 Darcelle WellsDavid Baker
David HaggardDavid McDowellDebbie Mitchell
Don and Patty Johnson Evelyn LindellEverett Lindell
FMC Foundation Farm Credit Southeast Missouri First State Bank and Trust Co, Inc.
Francis HulshofGeraldine WatkinsGrover Shannon
Haggard Farm James ShannonJennings Planting Co.
Jerry P. and Eky Combs Jimmy and Donna Fisher John Raines
Judith HaggardKeith and Kim Birmingham Kenneth Schneeberger
Kevin RoneLarry Buck Lee Watkins
Leeta StevensLeeta Stevens Linda Poehlmann
Lloyd SmithLynda ShannonMU Extension and Engagement
Missouri Farm Bureau Insurance N.W. Electric Power Cooperative Nancy Moore
Norma RichardsonPamela SchultePaul T. and Holly Combs
Robert CookRobin WalkerRose Ellen Reid
Sho-Me Power Corporation Sue Anne WardSusan Prevost (Schwabe)
Thomas SchulteTiffany JumpW. Dustin and Amanda Boatwright
William Jackson
