Mizzou Give Direct

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Goal: $50,000

$699.99 (1%) raised Need: $49,300.01

AES - Other Operations Unit

South Farm Gifts Fund

Five miles south of the MU campus, South Farm Research Center supports the research, outreach and teaching missions of animal science, plant science, veterinary science, biology, botany and other disciplines. The Center is the location of several research facilities including the Swine Research Center, the Beef Research and Teaching Center, the Turfgrass Research Center and the Equine Teaching Facility. The Center also supports research and demonstration projects in entomology, poultry and maize genetics. Easy access from campus allows South Farm to be used for hands-on teaching to more than 1,500 students annually and is the location for numerous graduate student research projects. The Center hosts a Showcase each fall to share its projects with the general public; it has become a popular family event, with attendance in the thousands. 
Please help us continue our great work by supporting the South Farm Research Center today!

