Mizzou Give Direct

College of Engineering

Goal: $20,000


$10,652 (53%) raised

Need: $9,348

Dean of Engineering

Mizzou Engineers Without Borders

Mizzou EWB is a student chapter of the national organization Engineers Without Borders USA. Our goal is to support community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with international partners to design and implement sustainable engineering solutions, all while creating transformative experiences and responsible engineers.

We are also committed to the betterment of our own community and have participated in and organized youth outreach events, community service opportunities, and on campus social events. Our organization relies on donations and grants to accomplish our vision and mission.


Our chapter is currently engaged in a water distribution project for a community of ~1000 people in Maje de Chiman, Panama. Our chapter has previous experience with the community, having implemented a gravity fed ~10-kilometer pipeline that supplied clean water to their existing tank system. Currently, we are planning to return to the community to provide renovations and repairs to this existing system. Your donations will likely go towards this community, as well as club activities, though please note this cannot be guaranteed.

The scope of this work includes precise mapping of the pipeline, implementation of high-pressure mitigation strategies, and maintenance on the intake filtration and storage tanks. Our current plan is to complete an assessment trip in the community in March of 2023, with tentative plans to implement our work in the late summer of 2023.

Alberici Corporation Andres DiazAndy
Andy and Stacey Caterpillar Foundation College of Engineering Foundation
Donna VogelFrances SwayneHenry Allen
James NewcomerJerry BackesJerry J Backes
Jessica BerryJoel Ganley Karla Spies
Kris and Julie McMenamy Lori NewcomerLucille Roth
Martin SpiesMarvin Weakly Matt Harline
Matthew OsterthunMonika Walilko Paul Roth
Paul SpiesRose Wibbenmeyer and Ryan Williams Scott and Laura Black
Stacey Stacy OsterthunTerry Vogel
Veterans United Foundation
