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School of Law

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Law School Foundation

Michelle Arnopol Cecil Student Support Endowment

The Michelle Arnopol Cecil Student Support Endowment honors the work of MU Law professor, Dr. Michelle Cecil. The flexibility of this fund will provide support for student groups to take care of their greatest needs leading to future student success at Mizzou Law.

Thank you for considering a gift to this fund to honor Dr. Michelle Cecil and provide for future MU students. Your gift of any size makes an impact.

Angela WittBrandon HillCarlos Lewis
Carly DuvallCarol NewmanCarrie Schormann
Christine BlegenChristopher KosterCommunity Foundation of the Ozarks
Courtney Goddard-HawkinsonCynthia UlrichDAF giving 360
Daniel BlegenDaniel Blegen Daniel Dickinson
Daniel JohnsonDavid and Maureen Vogel Desiree Shay
Diana RosiaDouglas HarrisDouglas McHoney
EY Foundation Elizabeth HadenEmily and John Fiore
Eric AnielakEric WielandErin Boeckman
Fred HallGarrett PrattGary Witt
Gerald ThompsonGreta Bassett-SeymourGreta Bassett-Seymour
Hadi Al-ShathirJ. BoatrightJacquelyn Jones
Jaime MendezJason JacobyJeffrey Erickson
Jennifer LewisJennifer SalisburyJennifer Salisbury
Jennifer VanderboutJo PasqualucciJohn Ayres
John CrawfordJohn GriesedieckJohn Moore
Jose CalderaJune HamraKPMG Foundation
Karen JordanKeisha PatrickKelly McHoney
Koster For Missouri Kristie RichardsonKristina Youmaran
LaQuita HallLarry McMullenLaura Krebs Al-Shathir
Lisa AnielakLynn Ann VogelM. Shay
Mark BerryMary JudyMeredith Graham
Michael JudyMichael White Mike Hamra
Molly Blackwell Nail Neal TaschNick Mirkay
Paul Beard Paul VogelPhilip Boeckman
PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Robert L. Temple Robert Seymour
Russell Boyd Ryan NicholsRyan Richardson
Ryan UlrichRyan Ulrich Sam Hamra
Sara AyresScott SchormannSean Finley
Shaina BoatrightSteve Davis The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Wiemann Family William Peper
