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University of Missouri Extension

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Campus Health & Human Sci

Missouri Council for Activity & Nutrition (MOCAN)

The Missouri Council for Activity & Nutrition (MOCAN) is a partner-driven council housed in the University of Missouri Extension in Columbia, MO and is composed of over 150 professionals across the state from diverse organizational backgrounds. Educators, government officials, healthcare providers, and nonprofit representatives, among many others, collaborate to improve health outcomes for Missourians through policy, systems, and environmental changes surrounding healthy eating and active living. Visit the council's website to learn more. The council is currently seeking sponsorships for the MOCAN 2020 Conference: Building a Healthy & Productive Missouri Workforce held April 16, 2020 in Columbia, MO. For more information concerning the conference you can view this flyer. The primary purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to cover expenses exclusively for MOCAN. Expenses include quarterly meeting and upcoming conference costs; venue reservations, speakers, lunches, etc.

For questions about the council contact the MOCAN Coordinator, Leah Gagnon, at gagnonl@missouri.edu.

Pat DavisPatricia Davis
