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Sinclair School of Nursing

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Sinclair School of Nursing

Nursing Dean's Fund for Excellence

The Dean's Fund for Excellence is an unrestricted resource that provides the school with the flexibility to leverage matching gift opportunities crucial for securing competitive external grants aimed at student support. This unallocated fund also empowers the school to improve current learning environments, extend professional development opportunities to faculty and swiftly respond to emergency financial needs of students. By contributing to this fund, you play a pivotal role in ensuring that the Sinclair School of Nursing can continue to provide exceptional education and support to its students, adapt to emerging challenges and maintain its commitment to excellence in nursing education.

Aletta NicklesAlice WondraAllison Anbari
Amber VromanAmy VogelsmeierAndrea Goehri
Anissa LockettAnn DavidsonAnne Sales
Annette ElliottArthur ZacharjaszB. Billings
Barbara HaseltineBarbara RodemanBeth Kenney
Beverly OliverBeverly WaggenerBob Minner
Bonita BaerBonnie BillingsBonnie Collier
Brandon ButcherBrenda BartonBrian Hulett
Brian OsgoodBryan CollierCarol Steffens
Carol WhiteCarrie PikeCatherine Menendez
Cathy CooperCecelia WatersCeleste Harris
Charles CaldwellCharles SlivinskyChristine Durbin
Christine FehrenbacherChristopher HarrisChuka Emezue
Cletis RamseyCommonwealth Financial Network Cordelia Esry
Cynthia BanderCynthia GatensCynthia Haydon
Cynthia McCurrenCynthia ParksDAF giving 360
Dan TevisDana KingDanli Wu
Danny MeivesDavid BrownDavid Fowler
David HaseltineDavid McKinseyDavid McSherry
Deanna PorterDebbie and Joe Safron Deborah Safron
Deborah WhiteDebra DeekenDeidre Wipke-Tevis
Delores BertusoDenice MendenhallDonia Camarena
Donna AllenDonna HartmannDonna Minner
Dwight CowanEdward BowerEileen Dyer
Elizabeth McCarterElizabeth SchwabEllen Turnbull
Elnora BowerErik GrossmannFidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Frank AshburnFrank MartinFrederick Selby
Friedrich GesztesyGail Bass DerscheidGail Roberson
Gary EinigGary LeabmanGary Steffens
Gentry DeckerGeorge LilleyGeorge Oelschlaeger
Glen DerscheidGloria GesztesyGunwoo Lee
Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital I. LehmanInez Clark
Irene EbertJ. HoodenpyleJackie Oliver
James ClarkJames GravesJames McCurren
James McDowellJames RumanJane Armer
Janet EdensJanice NealJanice Sherman
Jason LockettJasper MathisJay Nystrom
Jeffrey FehrenbacherJeffrey HartmannJeffrey Loeffelman
Jennifer DelpJennifer HulettJennifer O'Connor
Jeri DotyJo CarpioJoel Zahn
John BartonJohn BertusoJohn Carpio
John IngwersenJohn SolomonJon Vogelsmeier
Joseph SafronJulie PorterJune Humphrey
Kandra VoshageKara DeckerKaren Graybeal
Karen GrossmannKaren PoeKari Lane
Kathleen LudwigKathleen PerriKathleen Schmidt
Kathryn DeckerKathy RoselandKatie Meyers
Keith WrightKent FordKevin Bartow
Kevin JohnsonKimberly PowellKristina Korte
Kristine L'EcuyerKristy NielsonLaura Kaschmitter
Laura ThiemLaura ZoellnerLaurie Martin
Laurie ThorntonLeeClair SmithLesa McCartney
Linda CardenLisa KingLisa Osgood
Lloyd EdensLori PopejoyLynn Ingwersen
Lynn ParshallLynne DearingMaithe Enriquez
Marcia SchlotmanMargaret AllenMargaret Nystrom
Mark HalterMark RuterMarlene Greiner
Martha MathisMartha SmithMary Beck
Mary BullMary ChaneyMary Farrell
Mary GuyetteMary OelschlaegerMary Slivinsky
Maureen HalterMavis Grant-LilleyMelinda DeCamp
Melissa BrewerMerit VoshageMichael Bander
Michael DeCampMichael DeekenMichael Perri
Michele A. Plumb Morgan ShahanMyra Galloway
Nancy RicciottiNew Birth Company Nicole Bartow
Nora Hockman-McDowellNorman DavidsonO. Koeplin
Pamela BlossPatricia CowanPatrick Schwab
Paul L'EcuyerPhyllis FriedmanRenaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Renli WangRhonda ByersRichard Mendenhall
Richard RobersonRob MartinRobert Bloss
Robert ElliottRobert McDavidRobin Harris
Roger KeeneRoger WaxelmanRonda Selby
Ronda and Fred Selby Roxanne McDanielRussell Bull
Ruth JonesSammy FarrellSandra Lehman
Sara NorvellSarah ThompsonScott Goehri
Shari JohnsonSharon FordSharon Zahn
Shell Oil Company Foundation Shelley RamseySheryl Ellenberger
Sheryl LoeffelmanSidney PopejoyStephanie Ruter
Sue Ann WrightSue Yun FowlerSusan Ashburn
Susan BellSusan BrownSusan Fischer
Susan GilleSusan HattenSuzanne McDavid
Suzette BaconTerri KeeneTerry Einig
Terry SchlotmanTheodore DeckerThomas Fischer
Thomas GuyetteThomas KenneyTimothy Burnam
Timothy ParshallTom TurnbullTraci Solomon
Tricia ScrivnerV. RhodesVerna Rhodes
Vernon DearingWallace BeckWanwipa Saowalak
Wendelin EvansWhite Watch Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC Willard McCarter
William ByersWilliam GreinerWilliam Moyes
William Rodeman
