66 Genetics Inc. | Alan Wessler | Albert Kennett |
Alisa Steen | Alliance Water Resources, Inc. | Alvin Paul |
Alyssa Shelby (Thomas) | Anita Vanderwert | Anna Seewoester |
Anne Bunton | Barbara Parker | Barbara Story |
Bates County Cattlemen Association | Belinda Kennedy | Ben |
Ben and Darla Eggers | Betty Garton | Betty Nikodim |
Bill and Janell Even | Bob and Kathleen Perry Family | Bobby Kerbs |
Bobby Moser | Boone County Cattlemen's Association | Bradford Forkner |
Brazeale Farms | Brent Sandidge | Brett Twenter |
Brian Gittings | Bryan Humphreys | Cally and Justin Fix |
Cape Girardeau County University of MO Extension Council | Carl Gerhardt | Carol Braksick |
Carol Butcher | Carolyn Oates | Cattle Visions, LLC |
Charles Brazeale | Charles Chapuis | Charles Emberton |
Charlotte Buerge | Charlotte Cole | Christopher Schoen |
Chuck McPheeters | Cindy Lathrop | Claire and Michael King |
Clayton Agri-Marketing, Inc. | Cleo Kottwitz | Clint and Jody Perry |
Clovis Sell | Cody Tebbenkamp | Community Foundation of the Ozarks |
Connie Sandidge | Corey Moore | Cynthia Medley |
Cynthia Thompson | DAF giving 360 | Dale Norton |
Dale P. Miller | Dallas Hockman | David Hawkins |
David L. Meeker | David McCullough | David Middleton |
Deana Kerbs | Debra Roberts | Dee Hodges |
Dennis Fennewald | Disselhorst Brothers, LLC | Don Lucietta |
Don Nikodim | Don and Linda Birk | Donald Johnson |
Donald Nikodim | Donald Steen | Donald Verhoff |
Donna Bolser | Douglas Burch | Douglas Story |
E&L Harrison Enterprises, Inc | Earl Dotson | Ed Persike |
Edward Woods | Eldon Cole | Elia Veloso |
Elisabeth Cravens | Ellen Byergo | Endovac Animal Health, LLC |
Erin Wheeler | Ernest Ehlers | Ernie Barnes |
Everett Garrett | FCS Financial | Ferry Funeral Home |
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund | Fisher Hog Farms | Frederick Seewoester |
Gail Sponaugle | Gary Minish | George Jesse |
Gerald Shinn | Gertrude Thompson | Glen Waters |
Global Pig Farms, Inc. | Good News Productions, International | Gordon Jones |
Granville Thompson | Greg Tietz | Gregory and Patricia Martin |
Gretchen Hill | HERITAGE TRACTOR | Hallway Feeds |
Ina Brazeale | Ivan and Doris Rush | Jack Lathrop |
Jacki Langworthy | Jacqueline Linn | James Boillot |
James E. Kinder | James Heitmeyer | James Henderson |
James Liley | James Powell | Janalynn Hedeman |
Jane Chapuis | Jane Shinn | Janet Archer |
Janet Morris | Janice Sell | Jarrel Lathrop |
Jason Bond | Jean Saunders | Jeanette Garrett |
Jeffrey Byergo | Jeffrey Windett | Jerry Bolser |
Jerry Cox | Jerry Lipsey | Jerry Litton Family Memorial Foundation |
Jess Butcher | Jimmie Linn | JoAnn Mohler |
Jodie Burditt | John Harriman | John Lackey |
John Saunders | John Sponaugle | John Wheeler |
Joseph Cassady | Josh Graver | Joyce Jesse |
Judy Parsons | Julie Gross Mattson | Julie Tietz |
Karen King | Karen McCutcheon | Katherine Vanskike |
Kathy Harriman | Kathy Wait | Katie Allen |
Keith Schnarre | Kelly Rosenkrans | Ken McCutcheon |
Kenneth McCutcheon | Kevin Roberts | Kim Ricketts |
Kimberly Ehlers | Kyla Waters | Lance Burditt |
Larry Kerbs | Larry Whiteside | Laura Schopp |
Leon and Dottie Scrutchfield | Lewis & Marion County Cattlemen's Association | Linda Kennett |
Linda Ricketts | Lowell Hartzler | Lowell Mohler |
Lyndle Vanskike | MFA Foundation | MO Corn Merchandising Council |
Marjorie Cox | Mark Johnson | Mark Langworthy |
Matthew Caldwell | Maynard Hogberg | Michael Cravens |
Michael Williams | Missouri Pork Association | Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council |
Monica Henderson | Morris Westfall | NEMO BCIA |
Nancy Erickson | Nancy Kerbs | National Pork Industry Foundation |
National Pork Producers Council | Neil Dierks | Nelson Greenlund |
Norman Bessac | Norman Braksick | Pamela Idel |
Pat Moser | Patricia Johnson | Patsy McCullough |
Paul Martin | Peggy Brown | Phyllis Boillot |
Pike County Farm Bureau | Polk County Cattleman's Association | Randall Rosenkrans |
Randolph County Cattlemans Assoc | Regina Woods | Rex Ricketts |
Rhonda Miller | Richard Marsh | Richardson's Cherokee Ranch |
Rob Brown | Rob and Edie Christine | Robert Garton |
Robert Harriman | Robert Hertzog | Robert Idel |
Robert Thompson | Roberta Minish | Roberta Norton |
Robin Wenneker | Roger Eakins | Roger Parker |
Rosemary Larsen | Roy Middleton | Roy Ragland |
Ruth Nation | Sammy Whiteside | Sandra Dotson |
Sandra Schnarre | Sarah Lathrop | Scott Kennedy |
Shannon Yokley | Sharon Martin | Shelby Twenter |
Sherry Taylor | Shirley Rainier | Sondra Ricketts |
Southwest Missouri Cattlemen's Association | Stephanie Gunn (National Pork Board) | Steve and Barbara Long |
Steven Brier | Susan Brown | Susan Greenlund |
Susan Marsh | Susan Sellers | Susan Wessler |
Tawnie DeJong | Terrance Taylor | Terry Hedeman |
The Columbus Foundation | Thomas Bunton | Thomas Morris |
Thorne Cattle Company | Timothy Erickson | Todd See |
Tommy Wait | Tony Clayton | Tricia Cobb Schniedermeyer |
Vernon County Cattlemen | Vicki Liley | Vicky Hartzler |
Wayne Vanderwert | Westfall Farms | Whiteshire Hamroc |
William Hires | William Lamberson | William Nation |