Mizzou Give Direct

College of Veterinary Medicine

Make Your Impact on Mizzou

Large or small, every gift matters

College of Veterinary Medicine

Gentle Doctor Benefit

The Gentle Doctor Benefit is an annual event to support veterinary students and the future doctors of our animals. Started by parents over 30 years ago, this is the college’s only fundraising event of its kind. The benefit provides an enjoyable evening for friends and supporters of the college while raising funds for current and future students. Proceeds from the Gentle Doctor Benefit provide scholarships to every member of the incoming class, with two of those being significant scholarships. The Gentle Doctor Benefit further provides other student support as needed.

Gifts may be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” another person or pet.
Corporate sponsorship opportunities are also available.

New and unique auction items can also be donated year-round to be used in the Gentle Doctor Benefit. Contact us at mucvmevents@missouri.edu for more information or go to gdb.missouri.edu.

Thank you for your support of our students!

3M Columbia Plant, Employees of A&R Construction ADA Fundraising & Auction Merchandise Source LLC
Abigail RoeAdam Puchta Winery Addison Biological Laboratory, Inc.
Addison's Inc Alana BoleyAlexander Hittle
Alexander and Anukriti Hittle Alice LandrumAlison Riddle
Allen RickerAlliance Animal Health Allison Roller
Allyson CookAlyssa HaleAmanda Riley
Amanda WilliamsAmber BaughmanAmeriVet Veterinary Partners
Amy JohnAmy MolitorisAmy Osterhagen
Amy SpectorAndy's Frozen Custard Andy's Whistle Shop
Aneta StanleyAngela HullAngela Royal
Angelene FountainAngelina JohnsonAnn Fray
Ann HibbsAnn HogueAnna Bloomfield
Anna ReinkemeyerAnne BullerjahnAnne Morgan
Annette McDonaldAnnie KennedyAnnie Le
Antoni FirnerArnold Animal Hospital P.C. Associated Veterinary Specialists, LTD, PC
Austin SpringerAutumn GillibrandBailey Armentrout-Shoaf
Banfield Pet Hospital Bar K Bar K Dog Bar
Barb HarmanBarb WilmesBarbara Kuebler
Barbara LevyBarbara LinnBarbara Morriss
Barbara ThompsonBarkBox Beck Frazer
Becky PettewayBelinda TedderBenjamin Rothlisberger
Benjamin WestBess PierceBeth Koenig
Beth LuebberingBeth ParkerBetty Grace
Betty ScottBetty StokesBev Matheson
Beverly HittBeverly ShellyBill Rathert
Bill Starke and Dawn Parsons-Starke Billy PooreBlue Buffalo Co.
Blue Finch Creations Bob AbernathyBonnie Youngquist
Bradley MeinekaBrandie ReevesBrandon Buescher
Brenda BeerntsenBrian HamiltonBrown's Cycle Shop
Bruce LoewenbergBruce ThompsonBryan Bussard
Bubblecup Tea Zone Buchroeder's Jewelry Buckman Farms LLC
Buff City Soap Burton SchaufC.C.'s City Broiler
COMO Axe Attack Caileigh LintonCaitlin Paine
Callie GlascockCandace GarbCara Jensen
Carl MillerCarol BakerCarol Crader
Carol PalmerCaroline HinrichsCarolyn Henry
Carrie's Hallmark Carroll BedsaulCassie Henry
Castaway Yarns Catherine HealeyCecil Moore
Cedar Hill Pups Center for Puppetry Arts Central Bank of Boone County
Central Bank of Jefferson City Central Dairy Company Central Missouri Humane Society
Chad-Rick MalsyChandra HeiderChanning Boyd
Char's Cleaning Charles BarryCharles Davis
Charles MartinCharlotte LarrickCharlotte Rathert
Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen Cherry Street Wine Cellar Cheryl Reinkemeyer
Chicken Salad Chick Chris BegerChris Jensen
Chris LippincottChris TworekChristian Lorson
Christina DaoudChristina WilsonChristine Cocayne
Christine KoukolaChristopher BainesChristopher Baughman
Christopher MuellerChristopher RohlfingChristopher Rosskopf
Cindy GulickClair HibbsClaire Kohne
Claire McDonaldClarity Float Spa Clark Fobian
Clayton BakerClover's Natural Market CoMo Rocks LLC
Colette SchaufCollege of Veterinary Medicine Mule Club Columbia Second Chance
Confidential Donor Confidential DonorConnie FirnerCorinne Bromfield
Corzine Family Country Side Inn Craig Franklin
Creative Properties, LLC Creekside Pet Center Crystal Doyle
Cup and Saucer Curtis BourgeoisCynthia Allen
Cynthia AllisonCynthia RichardsCynthia Ruffolo
Cynthia Russell-LippincottCynthia Vedder-PenrodD. Rowe's
DSL Consulting Group LLC Dale CuppDana Hall
Dana RifkinDash Designs David Cook
David DavenportDavid GroenkeDavid Hall
David HertzogDavid MartinDavid Wilson
Davidson River Outfitters Dawn FelgerDawn Parsons-Starke
Dean LarrickDeb's Dinky Diner Debora Evans
Deborah CalderDeborah GravesDeborah Ricker
Debra KoivunenDechra Pharmaceuticals Dena Ladd
Denise RocheDennis BeneDennis Delaney
Dennis O'BrienDennis WeaverDensil Allen
Depot BBQ Derek BruckerDerek Fox
Devon UedaDewayne DavisDiamond and Key Wines
Diana FortiDiane MuellerDiane Preziosi
DogMaster Distillery Donald GinsburgDonald and Mary Cupps
Donna HlavatyDorothy CarnerDoug Shrout
Douglas BowlesDouglas JohnsonDouglas Momphard
Douglas RiesDr. Robert Kroll Dryer's Shoe Store
Dungarees Eagles Elite Eclipse Catering and Events
Eddie DziukEdgar RaschEdmund Dziuk
Edward CaldwellEdward FahrendorfElaine McCoy
Elaine PooreElizabeth BrydaElizabeth Couper
Elizabeth GambleElizabeth MartinElizabeth Roedl
Elizabeth and Jim Gamble Ellen Mclain Ellen Withrow
Emily HelmickEmily MilbournEmily Shull
Endangered Wolf Center Eric PaineEric Tichy
Erika WerneErin BrockhausErin Wadsworth
Eugene DemonetEvan SmithExcel Bottling Company
Faye NowellFirst Mid Bank & Trust First State Community Bank
First Watch Fleet Feet Sports Frances Beach
Frances TichyFretboard Coffee Fringe Western Wear
Funky Parrot Printing Gail LevianGary Felger
Gary ForseeGary JanesGary Kelley
Gary LickliderGary TurnerGateway Pet Services
Gayle JohnsonGeorge BullerjahnGeorge Linne
George TomaziGeorgia MorehouseGeraldine Moore
Gerard KoenigGerelyn HenryGheorghe Constantinescu
Gina BoxbergerGina ChomaGina Lawlor
Ginny DodamGlen PettewayGloria Marek
GoPo Gourmet Popcorn Gregory BuckmanGregory Chapman
Gregory RoyerHJ Designs, Inc. Harriet Hamlet
Harry AxelrodHarvest Plaza Animal Hospital Haylie Bernskoetter
Heartfelt Alpaca Creations Heather HarkenHeather Jones
Herbert StanleyHerbert WedemeierHertzog Clinic Properties LLC
Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. Ileana ConstantinescuIllinois Valley Construction
Innate Health & Wellness Irene GanjamIrving Edmunds
Isle of Capri Casino Jack HavensJacqueline McEntire Clark
Jalynn KingJames AddisonJames Amos-Landgraf
James BrittJames GambleJames Garb
James KarniaJames NaveJames Rericha
James SparksJamie OceguedaJamie Ragan
Jana WeaverJanet FordJanet McLelland
Janet WimsattJanet YungJanice Seagraves
Janie HarmonJanine SevitsJanis Haffey
Janis SappJarett SeilerJay McCallie
Jeff CallahanJeffrey BryanJeffrey McCubbins
Jeffrey SchlagerJeffrey SpectorJenna Manacki
Jennie OjedaJennifer BaskettJennifer Hamilton
Jennifer ReisdorfJeremy JonesJerry Blair
Jessica FarrisJessica GoldnerJessica Marziani
Jessica StroupeJessica WarwickJill Mann
Jim GraceJoan BarryJoan Stockman
Joanne BrewJoe SanfordJoe Swanegan
John ClarkJohn DodamJohn Fischer
John Haddock John JamboretzJohn Kuebler
John LeykampJohn ShrumJohn Warshawsky
Johnston Paint and Decorating Jon McGrawJoseph Kitchen
Joyce BainJoyce TaylorJudith Cavcey
Judith GramanJudy CallahanJudy Ebert
Judy MartinJulia WozniakJulie King
Julie NeilJulie SmithJulie Surdal
KT Diamond Jewelry Kai Foundation for Animal Health Kaitlin Harrelson
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club Kansas City Zoo Kara Forsee
Karen FindleyKaren HarnedKaren Harned
Karl BrydaKarl HlavatyKatharine Rasch
Katherine AbernathyKatherine McDonaldKathie Molyneaux
Kathleen NeumannKathy SeayKathy Trabue
Kathy TurnerKatie BedsaulKatie Rericha
Kaylei RamisKeith AndersonKeith Wagner
Kelly BeanKelly MelegritoKelly Stackhouse
Kenneth VromanKent DobsonKent Findley
Kent SeemanKent's Floral Gallery Kenton Morgan
Kevin JonesKevin KohneKevin Shull
Kim MeyersKimberli Grove-MillerKimberly Bussard
Kimberly LoydKimberly SprunglKimberly Stonecipher-Fisher
Kirlin's Hallmark Kirlins Gifts Kristal Holder
Kristie HerzogKristy WiselyKylene Richardson
La Terraza Mexican Grill Larry LloydLarry Robuck
Last Flight Brewing Company Latimer Farms Laura Cornett Brownfield
Laura MoonLauren DelaneyLauren Engeman
Lauren HermannLaurie WallaceLawrence Jempolsky
Lawrence WeberLeah CohnLeid Snyder
Les Bourgeois Vineyards Leslie McCullough-PayneLevi Alldredge
Lewis Bybee Lifestyles Furniture Lila and Paddy Murray
Lili VianelloLilith JensenLillie Fitzpatrick
Lincoln Power Sports Linda OrdwayLisa Doak
Lisa McCollumLisa McCubbinsLisa Rose
Liz HabenLogboat Brewing Company Lola Lucas
Longhorn Steakhouse Lora BlairLori Divin
Lori MyersLouis PaviaLynn Beckman
Lynn BeckmannMAC Medical, Inc MFA Incorporated
MO-X the Airport Connection Marcy SeemanMargaret Bryan
Margaret ChristieMargaret MomphardMargaret Niemeyer
Margaritaville Lake Resort Marika AustadMarilyn Bohanan
Marilyn GaffneyMark DreherMark George
Mark McGregorMarlene MannellaMarriott Vacations Worldwide
Marsha JohnsonMarsha MorrisMartha Miller
Martha ScharfMary BerndsenMary Helber-Jamboretz
Mary HoenerMary KohneMary Licklider
Mary ManderinoMary PaineMary Partyka
Maryeah MartinMaryjane EstevesMatthew Bulford
Matthew HullMatthew PuettMawMaw and PawPaw Berndsen
McAdams' Ltd., Fine Jewelry & Gifts Meds-ER Physician Staffing & Managment Megan Colvin
Megan WilkinsonMelinda CookMelissa Amos-Landgraf
Melissa AndersonMelissa Rung-BlueMelissa Schmuke
Michael BerndsenMichael CreceliusMichael Gaffney
Michael KohnenMichael MuellerMichael Reinkemeyer
Michael WhiteMichael WozniakMichael Zhang
Michaela WittMichele ZelayaMid-City Lumber Company
Midway Golf & Games Mike Bowen Mike Glascock
Mike KohneMike MorrisonMike Watterson Enterprises LLC
Milamari CunninghamMission Veterinary Partners Missouri Veterinary Medical Association
Mizzou Meat Market Monique LorsonMurray's
Murry's My Secret Garden Nana's Goodies
Nancy EdmundsNancy KrollNancy Roth
National Tiger Sanctuary National Veterinary Associates National WWI Museum and Memorial
Natural Grocers Nelson PriddyNena Robuck
Nestle Purina Pet Care Global Resources Inc. Nestle Purina Petcare Nicholas Couper
Nicholas HenryNinny's Hobby Shop Noah Ennis
Noah's Ark Animal Hospital Norman RueblingNothing Bundt Cakes
O'Sullivan Family Olive Garden Once Upon A Time
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals Oxbow Animal Health Ozark Mountain Biscuit Co
P. OrdwayPaddy Malones LLC Pamela Wilt
Parks and Recreation Pasta Factory Patricia Blenden
Patricia SmithPatrick O'HaraPatrick Stroupe
Patsy JohnsonPaul DeutschPaul Miller
Paul WimsattPeggy Jean's Pies Peggy Miracle
Pet Center, Ltd. PetSmart PetVet Care Centers
Peter BrownPeter KoukolaPhilip Barry
Phyllis EvansPhyllis MillerPiper Sparks
Pizza Tree, LLC Plume Polished
Pro Partners Wealth Quality Care Services Quinn Doak
RW Photography Raette DelaneyRandel Smith
Randy's Frozen Custard Raymond EbertRaymond Legg
Rebecca FahrendorfRebecca MalsyRed K Ranch
Red Lobster Renee WyssReuben Merideth
Rhonda LinneRichard BaskettRichard Johnson
Richard LinnRickey MartinRita Fobian
Riversong Spa & Salon Robert GreenRobert Healey
Robert HertzogRobert HorzmannRobert Hull
Robert KrollRobert McDonaldRobert Youngquist
Roger HarmonRoman GantaRon Jensen
Ronald ElderRonald GravesRonald Haffey
Ronald PalmerRoom 38 Restaurant & Lounge Rose Leykamp
Russell GloorRussell StokesRusty Crawford
Ryan GregoryRyan JensenS. Birchard
SMOKEHOUSE BBQ Sally BrittSalon Nefisa
Samuel GaskillSandra RiesSandra Warhausen
Sarah MeinekaSarah ReinkemeyerSavannah Veterinary Clinic
Scott GreenbergScott WaltripSean Byrd
Shakespeare's Pizza, Inc. Sharon GinsburgSharon Groenke
Sharon HorzmannShawn SappSheila Wayne
Shela DavisShelia FranklinShelia Taylor
Sherry ForseeShirley DeGeareShow Me Embroidery
Shuping ZhangSikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo Simple Solutions Fitness
Skyzone Smallcakes Sparky's Homemade Ice Cream
Spencer PuchtaSt. Charles Animal Hospital and Clinics St. Louis Aquarium
St. Louis Cardinals St. Louis Zoological Park Stadium Grill
Starbucks Stephanie HassStephanie Jempolsky
Stephanie RosskopfSteve GaskillSteve Hall
Steve ZerwigSteven BreihanSteven Brunnert
Steven GramanSteven HermannSteven Stonecipher-Fisher
Strawberry Hill Farms Student American Veterinary Medical Assoc. Sue Dombek
Sue HembySue ParksSue Waltrip
Sumits Hot Yoga Susan BrownSusan Epplin
Susan FalesSusan HavensSusan Van Buren
Susan WarshawskySycamore Sydenstricker
Sydney BaughmanSydney SteinT-Mobile USA, Inc.
Tamara GullTamara HancockTamra Green
Tanya Balaam-MorganTaylor ChasteenTaylor Cragen
Taylor WalkerTeresa SchlagerTerry Payne-Chapman
The Berndsen Family The Brew Brothers The Crossing EPC of Columbia
The Lodge of Four Seasons The Mizzou Store The Petal Shoppe
Theodore ChomaTheresa RohlfingThomas Beger
Thomas DeGeareThomas LenzThomas Rose
Thomas RosenfeldTiffany Ramirez IcazaTiffany Rothlisberger
Tiger Hotel Timothy EvansTimothy Roller
Timothy SchildTimothy SniderTina Fox
Tito's Vodka Todd MartinTom Seagraves
Tonya MuellerTory MasonTotal Practice Solutions Group
Tracey BerryTracy BurckhardtTracy Royer
Trailside Animal Hospital Travis NeilTrevor Knott
Truman's Bar & Grill Truman's Bar and Grill Tryathletics
Tyler MyersTyler RolofsonU-Lock-It Storage
University of Missouri-Columbia Alumni Association Various Persons Various PersonsVicki Miller
Vickie BarkerVigor Mvmnt Vilonia Animal Clinic, Inc.
Vincil WiltVirginia WhiteVital Essentials
Vonda SmithWaleed AtoutWalter Plucknett
Wanda UtermoehlenWayne HauseWayne Marek
Webster Groves Animal Hospital Wendy KarniaWendy McGraw
Wendy PickingWesley HentgesWild Cow Emporium
Willa FrayWilliam BoeverWilliam Canney
William CarnerWilliam CowartWilliam Fales
William HembyWilliam PickingWilliam Seay
William StarkeWilliam SummerfieldWilliam Van Buren
William WilliamsWilliam Woods University Woof's Play & Stay
Wyldewood Cellars Yost Pottery Yvonne Geldner
