Mizzou Give Direct

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Goal: $25,000


$3,182 (12%) raised

Need: $21,818

Natural Resources Management

Eat MO Carp

Catch the Vision

Asian carp were imported into the U.S. as a biological control mechanism for improving water quality. Subsequent flooding allowed for dispersion throughout the Mississippi River Basin, thus causing serious problems for native fish and recreational boaters. If Asian carp enter the Great Lakes, they will disrupt a multibillion-dollar fishing industry. The supply of fish is much larger than current demand, so additional markets are needed.

Over 820 million people worldwide suffer from undernourishment, many of whom live in developing countries. Two of their most significant health issues are protein-energy malnutrition and anemia. Use of Asian carp to address hunger relief is a promising, but overlooked strategy. These fish are a plentiful and inexpensive source of nutrient-rich food.

Please consider a donation to support Dr. Mark Morgan’s research project that uses an invasive species to address malnutrition. The value of an average-sized Asian carp is about $1. How many would you like to purchase today?

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ArielChuck CrewsChung-Ho Lin
Ginger Murphy Jane TollesonJoan Govero
Josh CrowKaty and Hazel WardKerry Clark
KimLisa WilliamsMary Beth Oostenbrug
Michelle EngerRob HamiltonVidya Balasubramanyam
Villa Duchesnejohn taylor
