Mizzou Give Direct

MU Libraries

Goal: $1,500,000


$720,961.50 (48%) raised

Need: $779,038.50


West Stacks NEH

Help us preserve Mizzou’s special treasures and university history! Not unlike the Smithsonian or the Library of Congress, your Mizzou Libraries hold materials that can be found nowhere else in the world. Those materials span over 3,500 years of human history – and we want them to be here, accessible to scholars, 3,500 years from today. To meet the need for environmentally controlled space for our rare treasures, the University Libraries are renovating the West Stacks of Ellis Library. With upgrades to HVAC, lighting and security, we will create a preservation environment worthy of the materials we hold. Your gift will be matched by a challenge grant from National Endowment for the Humanities. The $500,000 NEH grant requires that we match NEH support with $1.5 million from our alumni and friends. Thank you for helping us reach our goal!

Nancy BrowneVictor McFarland
